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Will Cars Ever Drive Themselves?


Written by Paul Strauss | November 14, 2014

While there has been plenty of talk about autonomous vehicles over the years, and numerous prototype robotic cars have been created, it still seems like the idea of driverless cars in everyday traffic is a long way off. In this short video, The Verge takes a high level look at the current-day tech which shows just how close we are to automated driving, along with some of the things that need to happen before autonomous cars are commonplace.

Personally, I like the idea of selective autonomy – cars that handle the nasty city stop/start traffic or driving to give you a break on long open-road drives, but as a serious gearhead, I’d never want to be forced to have a car that drove itself. What gearhead would? That said, I think that bad drivers should be required to be driven around by autonomous cars.

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