Rally Racer Rolls, Keeps Rockin’
There’s a reason that rally and race cars have roll cages. It’s really not difficult to roll over a car when cornering at high speeds, and without one, the occupants could be in a world of hurt. But usually when a car rolls, it’s out of the race – or at least headed to the pits.
That’s not what happened during the recent Runni Rock Rally in Finland. When driver Jari Huttunen and codriver Marko Vartiainen hit a snowbank and rolled their Open Astra GSI, they kept racing as if nothing happened after they rolled their car twice. Talk about a ballsy move. Color me impressed.
You can skip to 2:55 into the video for the rollover, though I recommend watching the whole thing – because you can never get enough POV rally footage as far as I’m concerned.