Famed Ring Taxi Gives Pokémon GO Rides
germany | nurburgring | pokemon go | weird

Like most track bros, I have a dream of one day going to “The Green Hell” and driving around the track. I might even ride in the famed Ring Taxi so I don’t have to deal with what appears to be a bunch of dangerous drivers with no sense of self-preservation. Said taxi will now take riders around the track in a BMW M3 not so you can see if your lunch stays down, but to catch any Pokémon.
The first Pokémon GO ride around The Ring went to a dude that goes by the moniker “Boosted Boris.” He actually caught more than a few Pokémon while the taxi cruised the track at low speeds.
I’m not sure why you would want a low speed Ring lap, but whatevs. I bet all those drivers that passed the taxi couldn’t wait to get home and tell friends they passed it. Ring Taxi drivers normally do the passing.