Honda Clarity EV Driving Range Disappoints


Written by Shane McGlaun | February 28, 2017
Honda Clarity EV Driving Range Disappoints

Honda has a massive base of satisfied customers, but on paper there isn’t much about the new Honda Clarity EV that will appeal to even the most dedicated Honda fanboy. Of most import is that it turns out it only has a driving range of only 80 miles. Compare that to the Chevy Bolt with its 238-mile driving range and it sounds like the Clarity is going to be a hard sell.

Honda was limited on battery size due to their refusal to compromise on the Clarity’s size and price, which is as yet unannounced, but is rumored to start around $35,000 before tax incentives.

The Bolt starts at $37,495, and while the Clarity seems larger from the outside, unless Honda comes in with some crazy low pricing, EV buyers will likely be lured towards the Bolt or wait until the Tesla Model 3 debuts.

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