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BMW Vantablack X6 Is the Blackest Car Ever

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Written by Paul Strauss | August 29, 2019
BMW Vantablack X6 Is the Blackest Car Ever

Do you like the non-reflective look of matte finish cars? Well, BMW has gone and given one car the ultimate matte finish paintjob – using an extremely light absorptive paint made by Surrey NanoSystems called Vantablack VBx2. The result is the blackest vehicle I’ve ever seen.

Since Vantablack VBx2 absorbs almost all visible light, our brains have a hard time making out things like curves and edges, and objects painted in it look almost flat and 2-dimensional.

It looks like they went as far as coating the windows with the stuff – so I can’t imagine they’ll be driving the Vantablack X6 anywhere, unless they outfit the car with all kinds of cameras so the driver can see where they’re going – even then, the cops are sure to pull them over for driving with the world’s darkest window tint.

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