Is 35 Coats of Clear Coat Too Much?
funny | lada | paint | Russian
Fresh from the factory, most cars come with at a shiny clear coating to give it a shine and to protect its painted finish. I’m not sure how many coats OEMs typically apply, but I can say with 100% certainty that they don’t use 35 coats.
The madmen at Russian car channel Garage 54 decided to see what would happen if they did just that. It took them multiple visits back to the paint booth, and about a week of curing time, but they did manage to cover an old red Lada with a ludicrous amount of the stuff.
Naturally, being a Lada, they didn’t bother to mask anything but the windows and the tires, so even the bumpers and headlights got coated, and there were some drip marks around the edges. The end result is a preposterously shiny beater.