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Watch a Tesla Model X Get Ripped Apart – For a Good Cause

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Written by Shane McGlaun | July 11, 2019
Watch a Tesla Model X Get Ripped Apart – For a Good Cause

If you have ever had the misfortune of witnessing a major accident where someone was trapped inside a vehicle, you may have seen first responders on the scene using incredibly powerful tools to cut cars apart and free the trapped passengers.  Now we get to see the disassembly of a Model X without the human loss and pain associated with a real crash.

This training video shows firefighters taking the car apart with the Jaws of Life and other tools. This sort of training is important so that first responders know how to quickly and safely remove people from the vehicle in an accident. Since the Tesla Model X rides on top of a huge pile of high voltage components, potentially explosive batteries, and lots of other specialized features, there are some special safety techniques to be learned

The first 14 minutes or so of the video walk through the car’s specifics, and then they get down to business and start slicing and dicing the EV. The tools used by the firefighters peel away those fancy falcon-wing doors like they’re nothing.

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